I love this blog - its very helpful in planning for our oldest to start homeschooling. I'm wondering however if there is any more up to date info! I don't see anything on here for 2009 - are you still homeschooling high school?
Dinah (MD)
Hi Dinah,
Our eldest son, Kazz, actually ended up graduating from our homeschool in 2008. I didn't keep up with "the plan" that I have written here because he began zooming through school, life got in the way and keeping this blog updated fell by the wayside.
He began attending our local community college at the age of fourteen. He turned 17 this past July and will graduate this December with an Associate Degree.
Here is the blog post I wrote about our "plan" back then and we ended up working it to the fullest and see the light at the end of the tunnel. :o)
December 19th, 2009 Kazz will walk across the stage to receive his College Associate of Business Degree. I have 4 more children coming up behind him...6 if we get to adopt our foster children. Our 12 (almost 13) year old son, Brise, is focusing on Essay writing, Pre-Algebra and other subjects right now in order to get ready for easing into college at the age of 14 also.
Here is one of my up to date blogs.
We use many resources from it,however, for High School I cannot say enough wonderful things about THIS SITE. It's fabulous!
Please feel free to join the Facebook Page for the Free Homeschooling 101. If you have any further questions I'll try to help as much as I can.
Thanks for reading! :o)
Shelly M.
1 comment:
Hi Shelly,
I've really enjoyed reading your blog over the past few weeks! I'm an editor at Family Circle and we just started a social networking site for moms of tweens and teens, Would love you to check it out. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to learn more
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