6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



This month in our Homeschool Boy's Academy we are trying to "finish up" before we take July off.

In our school we take July and December off. In August we start back slowly with refresher work and finish any left over from the year before.

At present...

Vinze is finishing 1st grade Math and Language as he is already into his 2nd grade History and Science.

Brise is already done with his 4th grade studies. He is currently reviewing multiplication and division while also working through some of his 5th grade math. He enjoys math but isn't particularly interested in memorizing times tables. Though he very much enjoys sitting with Kazz to watch Algebra videos and spouting off correct answers to the quizzes.

All of those years in school I had to listen to teachers tell me that I have to learn this BEFORE that in math. Now I'm witnessing that, THAT isn't necessarily the case.


Kazz is heading to college again this September. He'll be taking American Sign Language and Pre-Algebra. He'll have 11 of the 62 credits he needs to achieve an Associate degree before he's 15 1/2.

The goal in our home is for our children to achieve an Associate Degree while they are under our roof. In our opinion it is the equivalent of a high school diploma in this day and age.

I smile when I think of how tentatively Brian and I began this journey. I was against homeschooling for so many years, as was he. We began meeting more and more people who had taken their children's education and socialization into their own hands and realized that, well, that they were sane!

It was a big jump for us but Brian is now of the mindset that our children will never set foot into a school building again for their education, unless it's college. I couldn't resist asking him to never say never because "if something ever happened to me you'd have to rethink that good husband of mine." His immediate response was..."Never. I'd homeschool them. I'd check their work at night or I may have to pay someone to check their work and clean my home but I mean never." I about fell over. He's obviously put some thought into this to answer so quickly.

Then again, why should I be surprised? After my heart ablation surgery he'd have to think about that sort of thing. I just hadn't been brought up to speed until now.

Homeschooling is now a huge part of our life. I can't imagine living any other way. We're happy, healthy and excited to continue on this journey. Bring It On!

I just can't believe my life!

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