6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.




After Kazz, Brian, Brise, Vinze and their friends from the All Night Nerd 15th Birthday Party (as they called it) got back from playing Laser Tag, Brian and Vinze hopped out of the van to go to bed and I hopped into the van to take the party to Barnes and Noble where we waited for Harry Potter Book 7 to be released at Midnight!

The last book of the collection was highly awaited. I had a blue wristband with the letter A on it. I was so happy to know that I was in the first line. Then a man began taping Letters to the floor. A - M in yellow then began A - M in Blue. Each paper represented 20 people with wristbands.

Yes, you little mathematicians, that would mean there were 260 people ahead of me in the atrium (and all their friends they brought with them to wait), and 260 behind me as I was the first blue A. I was surrounded by people!

Kazz, Brise and their buddies walked around, goofed off, drank hot chocolate and smoothies and were in high spirits while I waited.

Kazz brought a chair for me to sit on, bless his little heart. I was the only one who had one in line. I don't care, I'll never see those people again. The people behind me didn't seem to mind. They leaned on it and such too.

We dropped Melissa off at her home at around 1:00 am. The boys headed downstairs to play games and what-not, I read the book until 2:00 am then headed off to bed. The night was fun, Kazz said his party was fun all the way around and I think another summer party has been a success.

Now I'm off to read some more! :-)

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