6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



It's official! This sign may very well be the next step.

Please do not tell me that the price of gas is great here in America compared to other countries. No It Is NOT!

In Venezuela it's 12 cents a gallon! In Saudi Arabia it's 45 cents!! WHY are we paying so much!?!

Do we NOT buy more oil than most of those countries combined? We SHOULD have lower prices! Period!

My tipping point was seeing the OVER $4.00 per GALLON gas price on Gratiot avenue!!

I'm officially ticked!

I am not FOOLED!

I KNOW that gas should be around $1.99 and anything above that is a rip off.

The prices can be over that for many years to come and I WILL NOT become accustomed to it! I WILL NOT think $2.50 is cheap just because I've been crooked for so many years.

I WILL KNOW that I AM STILL being ripped off...

and I KNOW I am not the only one who is smart enough to figure this out!




AMEN to that! My husband and I feel like we're the only ones on the road responding to these heinous prices by driving a little less than the speed limit in an attempt to conserve gas.

Unknown said...

Plus is looks like were going to have to wear less clothes and eat less food because the gas prices are starting to mix into the price of food and clothing.

Give me a break oil companies!!!

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

I know what I'm going to buy with my gov stimulus check. That nice tank of gas that I've got my eye one. :)

Anonymous said...

The oil companies set prices (at least locally) based on what the market will bear. If gas consumption dropped as the price rises, they would keep it lower.

Stop buying gas. Use a bike.

momwithbrownies said...

Hi Anonymous,

Yep I'll just place all 5 of my sons on my shoulders and we'll head out on I-94. No problem.

Threeundertwo said...

LOL! It's over $4 here in California now. Love the sign. Great blog!