Detroit has something that I call a Tram. It is like a Subway except that it is above ground and hoisted into the air. It's called The People Mover, which is a ridiculous name, but I just love riding the dog-gone thing. What genius came up with the name "People Mover?" That's beyond me, but there you have it.

At any rate, I love the shuttle, the tram, the Aboveway, the Circle, the Tiger Trail, The Detroit Line, ....SEE how many names it "could" have been called?! But NO they called it "the people mover" ugh...

But I digress...

I LOVE the People Mover! I love it because of the view that can be seen when riding it. Riders enjoy a panoramic spectacular view of our gorgeous city.

This weekend I had the joy of watching my niece, Brooke, ride the tram for the very first time. The pictures in this post were ALL taken from the Detroit People Mover. It's some ride.
Looks like we both had exciting weekends.
Love the views and the kids faces.
gorgeous pics. I wish my weekend was so exciting! ;)
I lived in that area for three years and not once did I take the People Mover! Bummer. I love the pics!
I do enjoy reading your blog. And my kids love the tasty brownie recipe that on the banner. Did not know you were from Detroit until today. All I can say is Hello neighbor!!
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