6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



On March 15th, 2009 I took this challenge.  The boys were 16, 12, 8, and 5 years old.   I decided to do it again this year.  The new answers are below the original version.

Here are the rules. 

Copy this note. Ask your child(ren) the questions and write them down 
EXACTLY THE WAY they respond.

March 15, 2009 
Answers: Kazz 16, Brise 12, Vinze 8, Daxx and Kole 5 
(Our Foster Daughter wasn't here yet)

1. What is something mom always says to you?

Kazz: I'm so proud of you
Brise: You call me Kazz
Vinze: You're grounded (LOL)
Daxx: I love you and Go to your room. (LOL)
Kole: I love you and honk my nose

2. What makes mom happy?

Kazz: Going out with her friends
Brise: When the twins stop arguing
Vinze: When I'm good
Daxx: Playing outside
Kole: If we be good

3. What makes mom sad?

Kazz: The kids fighting and crap
Brise: When the kids mess around too much
Vinze; Nothing
Daxx: When I don't go to bed nice
Kole: Remember you had a broken leg? (Oh boy do I)

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

Kazz: I do laugh at you. (Rofl)
Brise: No Idea
Vinze: Tickling me
Daxx: Take me to the store
Kole: Tickle, Sing songs and dance in the living room and fart (ROFL)

5. What was your mom like as a child?

Kazz: Tom-boy (so true!)
Brise: Talkative
Vinze: Spoiled
Daxx: Like me (Oh that's soo true! LOL)
Kole: Hanging out

6. How old is your mom?

Kazz: 38
Brise: 39 or 40 (I'm 38 but I always say I'm "almost 40")
Vinze: 39 (almost)
Daxx: 10
Kole: not that much old

7. How tall is your mom?

Kazz: 5'8" (hey put the half on there. LOL)
Brise: 5'8" (I'm 5'8" and a half)
Vinze: 5'3" (not)
Daxx: 11
Kole: 6 feet

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

Kazz: If the kids are acting fine; Spend time with Kids if not, go out with friends
Brise: Blog
Vinze: Go out and have fun
Daxx: Go out with dad
Kole: Make some money (LOL)

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?

Kazz: How am I supposed to know that? (ROFL!)
Brise: How am I supposed to know that?
Vinze: Make out with dad (ROFL!)
Daxx: Watch me play outside
Kole: Hang out with daddy

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

Kazz: Blogging or homeschooling advocate
Brise: Her blogging
Vinze: Blogging
Daxx: Ice tea (???)
Kole: Being a friend

11. What is your mom really good at?

Kazz: Blogging (aww my kids are precious)
Brise: Blogging
Vinze: Blogging
Daxx: Eggs! (LOL)
Kole: Driving

August 27th, 2010 Answers: 
Kazz 18, Brise 13, Vinze 10, Daxx and Kole 6, Chickadee (Our Foster Daughter) 5 years.

1. What is something mom always says to you?

Kazz: I'm so proud of you
Brise: You snot
Vinze: I love you
Daxx: Go Outside
Kole: I love you
Chickadee:  You love me

2. What makes mom happy?

Kazz:  Relaxation and sleep
Brise: Chocolate
Vinze: Surprises
Daxx: When I do nice stuff
Kole: When I be good
Chickadee: Drinking Coffee

3. What makes mom sad?

Kazz: I don't know
Brise: I don't know
Vinze: When I disappoint you
Daxx: When I do bad stuff
Kole: When I be bad
Chickadee: I don't know

4. How does your mom make you laugh?

Kazz:  Your personality is just funny. When you tell your stories and try to explain about stuff that's going on
Brise: I don't know
Vinze: Jokes
Daxx: Tickle me on the neck and my hands
Kole: Funny words
Chickadee: When you burp so loud

5. What was your mom like as a child?

Kazz: Secluded
Brise: Spoiled with all the tires she could want to ride down a hill, in a tree and stuff.
Vinze: Kind of like me.  I watch tv but then you could only watch it 2 hours a day because your dad was sick and tired of you watching tv all day, doing nothing.  Then you went outside and played and stuff.
Daxx: Like me
Kole: you watched tv all day
Chickadee: Toys

6. How old is your mom?

Kazz: 40
Brise: 40
Vinze: 40
Daxx: 40
Kole: 40
Chickadee: 30

7. How tall is your mom?

Kazz: 5'9"
Brise: 5'9"
Vinze: 5'10"
Daxx: 60 feet
Kole: 15 feet
Chickadee: 4 feet

8. What is her favorite thing to do?

Kazz: Talk about Kazz (LOL)
Brise: Movies or Blogging
Vinze: Play with children
Daxx:  Play zumba on your computer
Kole: Type
Chickadee: Play on your computer

9. What does your mom do when you're not around?

Kazz: Everything because I'm not around very often
Brise: Eat Chocolate
Vinze: Cook, talk to friends, watch tv with dad, go to bed with dad and that's pretty much it.
Daxx: Go on Facebook
Kole: Laundry
Chickadee: Computer

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

Kazz:  Media
Brise: Blogging
Vinze: Comedian
Daxx: Rock Star
Kole: For winning lots of money
Chickadee: I don't know

11. What is your mom really good at?

Kazz: Writing
Brise: Blogging
Vinze: Cooking, Teaching, Math, and Chores
Daxx: Cooking
Kole: Typing
Chickadee: I don't know


Unknown said...

that's the best!
i think i may have to use this too with my kids :)
if you don't mind, of course.

momwithbrownies said...

I don't mind at all. It was fun. :o)