6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



Breakfast at the local tradition
Kazz and Becca just bought their first home.  They've been moving in bit by bit over the past few weeks.  It's been exciting to see them glow with happiness as they begin their new life in their new home.

I can't believe all the changes that have happened in their lives this year.  They were married, started new jobs, worked midnights, changed shifts, due to unforseen "issues" that the landlords of their rental couldn't avoid, they had to live in our basement for a few months while looking for a home to buy....I feel for you Becca, God knows I could NEVER have done it!

They made offers on 3 houses and were turned down. Once they finally found a house, they had to navigate the landmine that is a job change occurring in the middle of bank mortgage approval and yet another shift change...both of them to days, with Kazz procurring an office position the Monday after signing on the house!  Holy Cow....

Mom and Becca
Becca, I love you all the more now that we've lived together and you were able to stay as sweet as ever through all my idiosyncrasies.  You are a special part on this family and our lives.

Kazz got a GameStop Gift Card from Grandma

They were hoping to move in my Thanksgiving, but Christmas time was the reality.

My parents were chomping at the bit to come see their place and help with the move, so they zoomed up from Kentucky to "have Christmas with us" ahem...(see Kazz and Becca!) LOL

Kazz handing out gifts to his anxious siblings

Becca was SO hospitable and hosted...during the move, mind you...everyone to come on over for a Christmas meal and gift exchange with my parents.  I'm telling you people, I have the best daughter-in-law, so just give up the hunt.  She's taken!
My Dad, Glenn with Kole and Daxx

She put up a tree and made her home ready for the midst of moving....AND hosted my parents overnight for two nights.  See?!

We had the most relaxing, fun evening.  Becca made home-made cheesecake, shrimp and salmon.  My mom and Becca made the ham and I brought cup-cakes. (Brian, please buy me an oven that works)...But I digress...

Yum, yummy

Vinze relaxing with his big brother

As I watched Kazz sit on the floor next to his tree, in his family home, I had to consciously suppress tears of joy.

He's a man.  He is handing out gifts to his family, in his own home.  He's the leader of this domain and I am the guest...the very, very, overwhelmingly proud guest who will always see him as precious, strong, intelligent, opinionated, self-reliant baby boy.  Kazz, I love you, now and forever.

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