6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.


The bicycle story...

Today Kazz celebrated his 13th birthday. It's not his birthday. I never celebrated my birthday on any day but the actual date of my birth. However, I married, saw that people wait until the weekend to have parties and have resigned my heart to the fact that the actual day isn't set in stone, as I had always been taught to believe. I've said all that to say...

Here is our bicycle story...

Once upon a time there was a boy named Kazz. He was given a Disney bicycle at the age of 4 that he loved. One day he was sad to see that his bike had been stolen. Hours passed and then days. Days turned into 2 weeks and he realized that it was forever to be forgotten.

One bright and sunny, summer day, Kazz and Dad were driving down the road when lo-and-behold a child was riding Kazz's bike! The child, looking up into the eyes of my Brian...nuff said...admitted to the theft. My Brian explained to the child's father that he is taking the bicycle home, to which the child's father made no assertion to the contrary. Uha ha...

Fast forward to 2000. Kazz is so happy to see a shiny new bicycle sitting under the tree. His Disney bike had become way too small and this new one would surely last for years! The fun had on the bike was plentiful. He and his family moved to Michigan where fun was had on the bike for days and even weeks. The weeks turned into months and the months into years. One day in 2004 Kazz began to feel sick. He laid his still shiny bicycle with the cool pegs and great jumping weight on the ground. He began to vomit and shake with fever. The next morning he walked out the door to see his bicylce gone! Stolen from the yard.

A year passed. Kazz, being a boy of 12, found that Life with no bike was cruddy. Kazz spoke to his mom in June 2005 to say that he thinks he should have a bike. "I mean really mom it wasn't exactly my fault that I left it outside with no shelter for someone to steal. I was sick and shaking with fever. I couldn't think straight. Don't you think I could have one this year?"

So mom spoke to dad. Then, in her weakness, went out to the store, 2 weeks before Kazz's 13th birthday. She bought him a bike. Kazz was so happy and siked! He rolled 'round the neighborhood all day long. Days turned into 2 weeks until Kazz's "real" birthday arrived. ON that day, mom asked him to go to the store. He rode his new bike and neglected to lock it as he walked through the grocery store door. When he came out he wandered about, to the place where is bike was before. "Geeze, not again!" poor Kazz said, with no grin and walked home a few blocks from the store.

So the day finally came when we celebrated his 13th birthday. (14 days after the "real" day) Kazz went to a yard sale with his birthday money, bought 3 bike frames, bike parts and assembled his own bikes with his own money and proclaimed, "I love them!" "Nobody will steal these they're crap!" In his happiest birthday voice. The funny part...he meant every word!

Isn't that priceless?

I just can't beleive my life.

1 comment:

momwithbrownies said...

Oh no! Kazz says,"I feel your pain!" LOL