6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



A new law was passed in our state a few months ago. Labor Day is now the magic marker for schools to open their doors. That would be great were our children in public schools but they aren't. We homeschool, as many of you know, and this new law has put a crink into our schedule. We usually take July and December off of school. The "Labor Day" law is going to be a pain in the hiney. "Why?" You ask...Because we will begin school in August and will
assuredly have children knocking on our door, all day, trying to find our sons. In kid hours 3:00 is a long way off during summer days.

I'm trying to get our ducks-in-a-row so to speak. I will have 3 children to teach, one of whom is beginning high school. That entails quite a bit of paperwork. The homeschool transcript will be scrutinized in the future, you know. One good thing...I found that he can go to college at age 14! Whoo hoo... How's that for a transcript. Should he want to head OFF to college at age 18 he may be at an advantage. Who can argue with a nearly completed (or totally completed) Associate Degree at the ripe old age of Eighteen? That could be quite helpful in many ways. I hope he passes the entrance test. (biting nails) If not he can try at age 14 1/2. No worries I suppose...Except, of course, how to keep the kids at bay during the hours of 8 am - 3 pm in August.

We are going to begin our days with family reading. Each child will read aloud from his book. I'll read for Vinze. I hope the twins will be still for this. *Sigh*

I've written, printed, and pasted to the fridge, our daily plan. I hope I can actually follow it. It looks so pretty up there. Sometimes I wish I were a schedule person....But in the end...I'm not. Wish me luck. :-)

I just can't believe my life!


Heather said...

Since you're starting school in August, will you not be at Park Days anymore?

And who says you have to be in session from 9-3?

And I'm so excited to start our first official text (one I have the teacher's edition for) that it'll be Monday. Why wait?
I also got the calendar from that catalog I gave you. We'll be doing that too!

momwithbrownies said...

Oh, we're going to Park Days my friend! LOL I've left Wednesdays wide open on the calendar.

I've made the 9-3 schedule for my sanity. I "think" (note that I'm not "sure") that life will run smoothly if I at least have a plan. The kids liked it today, including the twins, so I may stick to it. (note I said "may") LOL

Isn't it fun to be able to change your planned teaching days with the ebb and flow of your families life? Let me know how it is going. :-)

I love that book!