6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.


Junior has left the building...

Our neighbor found a turtle wandering the city streets a few months ago and decided that our Vinnie would be the perfect candidate to give said turtle. He was right.

Vinze loves animals and bugs. He is quite the loner and can spend the better part of a day catching bugs, bees and other creepy crawly things in the yard. More than once he's recruited one of the twins (age 2) to help him in his endeavors. More than once they've come inside pointing an injured finger toward me saying "Ouch Bee Bite!" These are the days my friend. :-)

The sadness began at around 10:30 this morning. Vinze let Junior the turtle out of his home, the sandbox converted to turtle home, to "give him exercise." Vinze "had something to do" and forgot that Junior was roaming free.

Junior is not a slow turtle. Junior is the fastest turtle ever to be born on the earth. Junior? Junior is probably in Lake Huron at present.

So today our Vinnie experienced a life lesson.
He's sad. He's looking for Junior still...2:40pm...
and will probably spy here and there for months to come as he plays in the yard.

Vinnie knows loss well.
We will be blessed to adopt him this Friday. It will forever mark the end of life with his birth family and the beginning of life with us.

That's a tough one.

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