6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



There are many types of Homeschooling.

Traditional - a schoolhouse type of learning
Relaxed, Eclectic
Charlotte Mason

Oh the list goes on and on...

Each year we take a look at our style and decide how to make it better for our family as it changes and grows. For the most part we have been Traditional homeschoolers. We had store bought curriculum, dates and times set for all assignments and a full day of hum drum bookwork. That worked well for us when we had 2 children. I had time to devote to each child and they could ask questions as needed. Needless to say, our lives have changed quite a bit in the past two years.

The new year is upon us, we are officially back to school after our 6 week winter break. (We can do that because we homeschool) Our homeschooling has begun again in full force. I did a little soul searching, I asked veteran homeschoolers a lot of questions and researched the many styles to see what would best fit our expanding household and my nerves. :-)

This year we have decided to become Relaxed homeschoolers. This means that we aren't necessarily following a bought curriculum or a structured format with time limits and so on. I do however like to have a plan. I have it mapped out but if we do not complete the daily plan the world is fine and we are none the worse for wear. Life is more fun that way. :-) If a subject takes a right or left turn we flow along that course until all questions are answered and all interest is fulfilled. It's already a more relaxed household. The boys achieved well above their average work. I couldn't believe the amount of writing I had to do at the end of the day just to log what they did for school today.

For instance...

BRISE - Read out loud from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for 30 minutes - copied from the book in cursive handwriting until a page was completed - "played" on the web-site, completing 4 tests - Played video games for 30 minutes (reasoning/problem solving skills)- Completed a full page of multiplications facts

VINZE - Read out loud from Ferdinand - copied from the book in print until a page was completed - Completed 30 minutes of straight Color Phonics drills on the computer - Full page of addition facts - 30 minutes of video games

Kazz - Began a daily journal - watched a 1 hour Algebra presentation while taking notes - Completed a couple of pages of Algebra drills - Researched and recited Order of Operations process - Voluntarily chose to take a test over Algebra concepts and scored a 90% - Read his new English 101 syllabus to get ready for the class he will be taking next Thursday. He is taking his first college class so I showed him what a syllabus is and sort of what to expect.

I was amazed!! I don't think we ever got this much accomplished in one day.

All that and the twins were having a blast playing with play dough and listening to the boys read.

AHHH Yes...We may have something here my friend. Child led learning turns into knowledge. Who woulda thunk it???

Well....These people...

"The only kind of learning which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered or self-appropriated learning - truth that has been assimilated in experience."
- Carl Rogers

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
- Mark Twain

"Personally, I am always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught."
- Winston Churchill

"What I hear, I forget.
What I see, I remember.
What I do, I understand."
- Confucius

Nuff Said.

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