6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.


Memory #1...

Brian and I have been married for nearly 17 years. That's a long time these days I suppose, especially when we add to the mix that he was 18 and I had just turned 20 when we tied the knot. Oh, and did I mention that we only knew each other 11 months? Nonetheless we've had more than one person ask us what makes for a long marriage. My answer to that is, Time. However, What is more important is the answer to What makes for a Happy marriage. Truth be told, the honest answer is that your spouse is your very best friend, that you two make many happy memories and that you actually respect that person like no other.

Memories play a huge role in capturing love for eternity. They are what we archive in our minds to reassure ourselves that what we have is the real deal and not just some time passing fantasy. So, For memory's sake I want to get some stories down on "paper." I've had alot of time to think lately as I sit around moping in my bedroom watching horrible daytime television. I've had so many memories come to mind, I don't know what to do with them. I've decided to post them here...for my benefit.


Memory #1...

When Brian and I were first dating I used to rent a spot in local flea markets to sell personalized license plates. It was fun and I got to meet all sorts of people. He used to come along on my weekend adventures and we would talk and work and laugh. One day a very old woman came to my booth. She began talking to Brian and I about her life with her husband. They were married many years. She was well dressed but sort of mysterious as she talked about her past. Brian and I were captivated. She was interesting. All of the sudden she stopped talking and smiled at Brian and I. We were in this awkward silence when she made her way behind our booth table. She walked over to me and put her hands on my face. Just then she kissed me on the lips 3 times. I wasn't as shocked as you may think. I was thinking that she was angelic and sweet and I thought of my roots in Kentucky where Great Aunties and Grandmas kissed their family like this. She looked at me and said, "Do you know what that means?" I said, "No" "Those 3 kisses mean, I Love You." She explained that she and her husband used to kiss like that every time they kissed. She was told many years ago that 3 kisses mean "I Love You" Each kiss standing for each word. She then turned, looked at Brian, placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed his lips 3 times. She smiled and said, "You two are going to make it." and walked away.

We never saw her again after that.

Brian and I were perplexed and kind of shook our heads in disbelief as we absorbed what had just happened to us.

Something funny happened after that though. Every time Brian and I kissed we would end with 3 kisses. To this day, each time we kiss we end with 3 kisses. It's a mental knowledge that we are saying "I Love You" without saying it. We just know and feel it. It's habit and need at the same time. It bonded us. Hypnotically bonding us to one another. I can't imagine ever kissing anyone else 3 times...unless to pass on that magic to my sons on their wedding day.

That is a memory worth writing about.

I just can't believe my life!

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