6 TBSP cocoa, 1/4 C butter, 1 C sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 1/3 C flour, 2 eggs, Cook 350 - 25 mins.



Our little 6 week early, 5 pound 7 ounce baby turned 16 on July 20th. He didn't want a party at home so he went out with friends Friday night and came home near midnight. *sigh*

We had an ice cream cake and pizza for our immediate family. We always have ice cream cake for birthdays in this household. This time Kazz picked Reese's Cup Ice Cream Cake. (boy I love that kid. lol)

He is almost my height. (5'9") Truth be told, he's big enough to be mistaken for a full grown man. Today he's at the skate park with friends skateboarding. He's growing up and will be old enough to move out in less than two years.

How exciting for him and how old I do feel when I watch him do just about anything. But on his birthday I put sparklers on his cake. One of them, unbeknownst to me, was a shooting sparkler. That moment Brian caught on tape and I saw my little boy for just a moment.

It seems that he was born mature. He has always been our "easy" child. He does well in school, was given awards for character, from every school he ever attended. He is an all around nice kid. I sometimes wonder if that means he's due to screw up big time?! LOL Whatever he does, wherever he goes, we will always love our "little man." He is our first little baby. (sorry Kazz) My smallest, weakest and most ill infant is now a strong young man. He, the little one, started college at 14 and has always made me a proud mom. Now, he's gone and grown up. See, I told you he would do something to break my heart.


Barb Smith said...

It passes way too fast, doesn't it? It seems like just yesterday they were babies or toddlers, then *poof*, they're dang near grown (or, in my case they ARE grown.) Whoosh!

You've got a good lookin' kid there, Mom.

And kudos to him for picking the Reeses! lol

Insights from the Grocery Cart said...

Frankly, Shelly, I don't know where you get the energy and the patience to raise 5 boys, homeschool and bake brownies! Hats off to you. And I think I have my hands full with two kids.

It'll be a couple of years until my son turns 16, but I'm already dreading the day. He lost his front teeth last Christmas and I cried. My husband thought I was nuts. Well, you can't keep 'em in the coop forever (although I wish I could).

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Kazz, and many more.

carrhop said...

Congrats!! That 16 bday---it's a big one!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your son. I know what you mean about time flying. My baby is only 7 but I can't believe how old he has gotten already.

You're right that he does look like a grown man. I really thought he was older. Enjoy the time you have with him. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Kazz!! Yes, they do grow up too fast...

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to him, must admit he looks a bit more mature than my just turned 16 Nikolaus...featured @ The Cafe in photo today, though Nick is 6' right now. Today he was out applying for jobs, my baby boy is growing up.

Matthew S. Urdan said...

Love the Michigan shirt! Is he going to be a wolverine when he graduates from home school?

momwithbrownies said...

Hi Matthew,

Kazz hasn't told us where he'll go for his bachelors degree. He started college at our local community college when he was 14 years old. He's taken 2 classes each semester. If he keeps that pace he'll have an associate degree next year at the age of only 17. I'm hoping he takes a year off to have fun before he declares a major but I would sure love for him to go to UofM. We'll see! :o) I'm keeping my fingers crossed.