Kazz is 16 years old, considered a Junior, but is about to graduate from college with an Associate of Business Degree; so the standard "Senior" prom isn't something that would fly in the Homeschooling world. That is why this prom is a Freshman - Senior Prom. Homeschool Alumni under 21 can also attend as well as friends of homeschoolers.
There were teens in attendance from all over Michigan and Northern Ohio. Kazz and his friends are pictured above at the Detroit Renaissance Center. Kazz and his girlfriend, Beka, are to the right on the deck of the ship. The rest of the crew are pictured below in our yard. What a gorgeous bunch of unsocialized homeschoolers! LOL
Brian and I found out a while back that it is becoming more and more common for homeschooling teens to attend a Statewide Homeschool Prom. We decided that it would be a fun thing to plan a Michigan Homeschool Prom too, so that is exactly what we did. It went so well that we are now officially the Michigan Homeschool Prom sponsors. If you build it, they will come...and they did! :o)
If you know of homeschooling teens who live in Michigan or Northern Ohio who would like to attend the 2010 Michigan Homeschool Prom Cruise on April 30th please feel free to let them know. They can join the Facebook site for updates.
The view from the boat was absolutely amazing. We passed under the Ambassador Bridge twice during the cruise portion of the evening. We began the cruise when it was daylight and it ended after the sun had set so we were all able to get a lot of opportunities for sunset photos. Brian and I took advantage of that.
Here are some highlights of the dancing that occurred that evening. All of this fun took place with clean modern music too...who would have thunk it? :o)
I can't get over how pretty the boat was and how smooth the ride was that evening. I had never been on a Paddle boat. I didn't really know what to expect, but it was a pleasant surprise to find out that I couldn't feel the boat moving at all while inside the ship.
When I looked outside I couldn't tell we were moving either. It wasn't until I walked outside that I could appreciate the movement as I enjoyed the evening, breeze. It was a night to remember, though it took me 2 days to recover. The toe right next to my left big toe was numb for those 2 days and I have vowed to wear comfortable shoes next year...and I'm going to stop chaperoning long enough to dance with my husband at least once also!
Hope you all can join us next year too! :o)
That is so awesome that you two stepped up and put it all together. Nothing like that in California, but regional areas do put things together. Our local one is a MORP dance - the backwards prom and is at the end of May.
That looked like so much fun. I really enjoyed watching the video. Thanks for sharing.
This is really cool, Shelly!
That cruise was your fault? Cool! I know some kids from our area who went ... good for you!
Hi Zach,
Yep! I did that. LOL I hope the kids had fun because we've decided to have one every year!
Awesome! I wish I had this when I was 16. We had a slightly smaller home school group and I wasn't that interested in reg prom. But I would have loved this. Good job!
I got to your blog from that annoying post on Teacher Revised. I was home schooled and now teach in a public school. Home schooling made me a better teacher because I know what the best schooling is like. Anyway, keep up the awesome work with your lovely kids!
what a lovely pink dress! :-) it's encouraging to read about how homeschooling is so much like regular schooling...especially with events like this!
If you need a date try Prom Date Depot - http://promdatedepot.com
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